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Handles random TPs on The Grotto.
The bread and butter, the core plugin for the Grotto Minecraft server. Contains a whole lot of stuff.
● PHP based website to serve archives of a website. Flat file backend versioned with Git and managed with cron, Bash, Python. Scrapped with HTTrack.
Worldedit wrapper used by The Grotto.
Android app for note taking based on a flat file back end similar to ToDo.txt.
BenBot-VC (Virtual Coin) A trading bot aimed at cypto currencies traded on Bittrex. Module trading algorithm system (kernels)
Object detection work done for the OpenOrbiter REU program at UND
A classic dark theme with Android in mind.
Bash and Python based command line panel for managing Minecraft servers to start, stop, restart them with extra features.
Mirror every google search into a bing search to get free bing reward points.